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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


12th of December 2013

Gaby took her Fantaghiro Rania to the doctor for ultrasonic and the
result is positive. So now we are waiting for a lot of black puppies
in the middle of January.

For further information you can contact Gaby Matthies, Reiherhorst 4
59889 Eslohe, Tel. +49 2973 / 1334 Zuchtstätte du Jardin des Colombières


07th and 08th of December 2013

After her glorious victory at the Bundessiegerzuchtschau in Dortmund
Xin-Xushi Romani (Ulisha x Finn)  also swept the board at the
CACIB in Kalsruhe 10.11.2013 and at the CACIB in Kassel 08.12.2013.

V 1, J-CHA, female youth-winner and in Kassel also youth-BOB

With these three victories she is now able to get the title chf-youthwinner
and VDH-youthwinner as quick as possible. We are very proud of the
young lady.

Ciuffo Arcano des Nobliaux Moustachus (Piaci x Finn) also took part at
the exhibition in Kassel – national and international. His results are also

V 1, J-CHA, male youth-winner on both days

Ciuffo Arcano V 1, J-CHA und Jugendsieger

30th of November 2013

SV OG Weidenthal: Finn took part at the SPR 1 – protective service –
and succeeded with 82 points (good). Thanks to Michael Kampmann.
Next  start at SPR 2…

Finn Schutzdienstprüfung gut bestanden Finn Schutzdienstprüfung gut bestanden Finn Schutzdienstprüfung gut bestanden

21th- 25th of November 2013

This week was full of good official HD-results:

  Gauner-Goro vom Wandersmann



  Xin-Xsushi Romani



  Coccinella Piccola des Nobliaux Moustachus



  Celino Cooper des Nobliaux Moustachus



16th / 17th November 2013

On the weekend Finn had a date with little and lovely Fantaghiro Rania
du Jardin des Colombières. Very romantic directly before sundown on
top of a hill with beautiful view around. Now we are waiting for a positive
Ultrasonic and a full litter-box in the middle of January 2014.

For further information you can contact Gaby Matthies, Reiherhorst 4
59889 Eslohe, Tel. +49 2973 / 1334 Zuchtstätte du Jardin des Colombières

Finn mit der quirligen Fantaghiro Rania du Jardin des Colombiéres im SauerlandFinn mit der quirligen Fantaghiro Rania du Jardin des Colombiéres im SauerlandFinn mit der quirligen Fantaghiro Rania du Jardin des Colombiéres im SauerlandFinn mit der quirligen Fantaghiro Rania du Jardin des Colombiéres im SauerlandFinn mit der quirligen Fantaghiro Rania du Jardin des Colombiéres im Sauerland

01st of November 2013

SV OG Weidenthal: Finn at work. Fast and furios like always …

Finn beim Rücksprung über die Hürde mit Bringholz

31th of Oktober 2013

Autumn at the vineyards of the Kraichgau with Finn and Inya.

Finn und Inya in den WeinbergenFinn und Inya in den Weinbergen

12th of Oktober 2013

Bundessieger-Exhibition 2013 in Dortmund; Judge Mister Jan de Gids:
O-tone Thomas: “the UEBB in Poland was just a training for Xsushi (Ulisha x Finn)”

Xin-Xshushi Romani V 1, J-CHA, German youth winner 2013 und youth BOB!!!/p>

What a great success for the little, black lady. We are absolutely happy.

Xin-Xsushie Romani V 1, J-CHA, Bundesjugendsiegerin und Jugend-BOB

And another reason to be happy. Gwen (Edana x Finn) was in Dortmund also:

Gwen vom Wandersmann V 2, J-CHA-reserve 

08th of Oktober 2013

More good news: Fascino de la Bergerie du Chardon pourpre
(Arwen x Finn) has received the certificate „German Champion VDH

Fascino de la Bergerie du Chardon pourpre Deutscher Champion VDH

07th of September 2013

Netherland Selection 2013: Frédo de la Bergerie du Chardon pourpre
(Arwen x Finn) was selected at the age of only 2 ½ years. We are
delighted for Claudia and Udo, but still waiting for a new picture
of Finn’s son.

03rd of September 2013

Gwen vom Wandersmann is now also officially evaluated HD- A Very good news again.

Gwen vom Wandersmann HD-A

25th of August 2013

Summerfestival at the kennel “du Jardin des Colombières” and the
opportunity to meet some of the L’s (Donna Vincenza x Finn), who
could celebrate their first birthday the day before. Lola, Lou Ana,
Lucinda and Lennox. Very impressing.


20th of August 2013

Gasira-Greta vom Wandersmann (today called Gina) is the first female,
who went to take an X-ray of her hips. The official result is HD-A!

Gasira-Greta vom Wandersmann HD-AGasira-Greta vom Wandersmann HD-AGasira-Greta vom Wandersmann HD-A

17th/18th of August  2013

UEBB in Katowice, Poland: At the age of only 10 month little Xin-Xsushie
Romani (Ulisha x Finn) started “just for fun” in the youth class black female
and she was judged V 3 in this absolutely strong class. We are all very happy!


10th/11th of August  2013

Special exhibition of the LG Süd (cfh) in Gernsheim. A wonderful open-air-
exhibition like always. Nice people and nice catering. And on the top these
absolutely top results:

Youth class black male

Clooney Giorgio des Nobliaux Moustachus (Piaci x Finn)
V 1, VDH-JCHA  and best offspring young male of the LG Süd

Jugendklasse Rüden noir, Clooney Giorgio des Nobliaux Moustachus (Piaci x Finn)

Youth class black female

Gwen vom Wandersmann (Edana x Finn)
V 1, VDH-JCHA, youth-winner LG Süd and best offspring young
female of the LG Süd

Jugendklasse Hündinnen noire, Gwen vom Wandersmann (Edana x Finn)Jugendklasse Hündinnen noire, Gwen vom Wandersmann (Edana x Finn)

Choupette Zazou des Nobliaux Moustachus (Piaci x Finn)
V 2, VDH-JCHA-res.

Choupette Zazou des Nobliaux Moustachus (Piaci x Finn), V 2, Jugendchampion-Reserve-AnwartschaftChoupette Zazou des Nobliaux Moustachus (Piaci x Finn), V 2, Jugendchampion-Reserve-Anwartschaft

And last but not least Finn’s fellow-lodger Inya, who has had the last
number in catalogue.

Open class fawn female

Inya des travailleurs barbus

V 1, VDH-CHA and CAC (best fawn female)

Inya des travaillerus barbus, V 1, Champion-Anwartschaft und CAC (beste fauve Hündin)Inya des travaillerus barbus, V 1, Champion-Anwartschaft und CAC (beste fauve Hündin)

By the way Achim gave us two cool pictures from „cool Clooney“ …

coole Fotos vom coolen Clooneycoole Fotos vom coolen Clooney


And there was the possibility to take a picture from Jouna (alias Gwindi)
vom Wandersmann

Jouna (früher Gwindi)

10th of July 2013

hbFinn is celebrating his sixth birthday with a big steak like all the years.

A lot of children were sending birthday greetings…

Gwen gratuliert: Finn feiert seinen 6. Geburtstag
Gwen gratuliert
Jouna gratuliert: Finn feiert 6. Geburtstag
Jouna gratuliert
Finn feiert seinen 6. Geburtstag
Malouk gratuliert

29th of June 2013

SV OG Weidenthal: Finn took part at the Spr 1 and succeeded. This is new
test similar to IPO 1 Part C.

24th of June 2013

Agility Live (Link zum PDF)Another “Finn-VIP-child”. Favori Pinot-Noire (Arwen x Finn) has reached the high-gloss Cover from Agilitiy Liive No. 4/2013 being named completely.
Motivation and drive is absolutely hers. We are very proud of Finn’s daughter.

18th of May 2013

Mein Hund & ich (Link zum PDF) When the postman rings twice …

                 … the Champion-Certificate arrives!




5th of May 2013

We visit Margret Stark. There we tried her dog-scooter. Or better: Finn
and Inya tested the scooter and it’s a lot of fun. Thanks to Margret and
Joachim. On our way back home we grabbed a brochure and now we
are ready to order it. It’s called finn-scooter. Funny!

Rollertest mit Finn und InyaRollertest mit Finn und InyaRollertest mit Finn und Inya

27th of April 2013

All together we drove to Moncor (Fribourg) and there Finn passed the survey
at the Swiss Briardclub SBBC. Although the bad and rainy weather it was
a harmonius event with nice people and good food. With this survey we
can request the title “Suisse Champion of Beauty” at the SKG. Now we
are waiting for the official certificate.

13th of April 2013

Finn’s lovely, four-legged “fellow-lodger” Inya has successfully completed
her breeding permission (test on character and standard evaluation) at the
Briardclub Deutschland in Böhl-Iggelheim without any condition or

Zuchtzulassung im BCD von Inya in Böhl-Iggelheim

17th of March 2013

At the members’ meeting of the BCD in Neu-Isenburg Frédo de la
bergerie  du chardon pourpre (Arwen x Finn) was honored as
„Best Exhibition Male 2012” and received a big trophy.

At the same day there was the evaluation of young dogs from the cfh in
Karlsdorf-Neuthard. Three female dogs from the kennel “vom Wandersmann”
participated: Gwen-Gitana, Gasira-Greta and Gwindi – now Jouna. All of them
with nice assessments on character test and standard.

10th of March 2013

First youngster-meeting C-Litter des Nobliaux Moustachus: We could
not participate, because of our holiday. But of course Gaby has captured
all moments by camera …


22nd of February 2013

Hot from the press: Finn’s daughter Choupette Zazou (Piaci x Finn) is
working at the editorial department of the journal “Mein Hund & ich”
and she is talking about her first year as a puppy. Starting with the
first issue in March/April and the following journals.

Mein Hund & ich (Link zum PDF) Mein Hund & ich (Link zum PDF)
PDF 2/2013 March/April and PDF 3/2013 May/June

Mein Hund & ich (Link zum PDF)Mein Hund & ich (Link zum PDF)
Klick opens PDF)

17th of February 2013

Today I contacted Achim Esser. Achim is the owner of Clooney Giorgio
(Piaci x Finn) and also a photographer. Here a small election of his
wonderful pictures …

Clooney Giorgio (Piaci x Finn) Clooney Giorgio (Piaci x Finn) Clooney Giorgio (Piaci x Finn) Clooney Giorgio (Piaci x Finn) Clooney Giorgio (Piaci x Finn)

More pictures and information on Achim’s website:

13th of January 2013

Good start into the new year: Finn’s daughter Gwen-Gitana vom Wandersmann
(Edana x Finn) had her first performance at the CACIB Nürnberg. She was
voted vv1, which means very promising  by Mrs. Werkmeister with a very
good judge’s report.

Gwen-Gitana Zahnkarte Briard Finn´s Tochter Gwen-Gitana









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