Arwen Babies - 8th week
Cute Puppys
A few of them wait for a new home full of love.
For further information you
can contact the kennel de la Bergerie du Chardon pourpre.
Claudia Bächler, Hebelstr. 12, 76359 Marxell-Schielberg, Tel. (0049) 7248 / 93 43 68
Holiday in Bella Italia
A lot´s of fun and relaxing moments in this beautyful country Italy
Finn´s neue Gefährtin fauve,
Die fauve, knuddelige und verspielte Inya des travailleurs barbus
was at the photographer
We will release new slideshows on a regular base
At the beach – Finn in La Rochelle with Dhelia
on the left: Landesgruppenschau Süd
on the right: Dortmund